Be encouraged by the joy of freedom expressed in the videos below. The spiritual freedom these people enjoy is available to you too!
Hear how Garry Ingraham left behind a life of sexual and relational brokenness (gay lifestyle, pornography addiction, masturbation, & premarital sex) to experience the healing, joy, and hope of Jesus.
Hear how Melissa Ingraham left behind a life of sexual and relational brokenness (lesbian relationship, sexual abuse, & premarital sex) to experience the healing, joy, and hope of Jesus.
Hear how Becky Sisneros left behind a life of sexual and relational brokenness (rape, child abuse, masturbation, sexual confusion) to experience the healing, joy, and hope of Jesus.
Hear how Jeremiah Sheppard left behind a hidden life of sexual addiction while pretending to be a devoted Christian when he finally experienced the authentic healing and hope of Christ.
Debbie tells her story about restoration from sexual and relational brokenness while participating in Living Waters.
Kevin shares his testimony of a life of abuse, brokenness, and immorality that was transformed by the healing power of Jesus, especially while participating in Living Waters.
Garry Ingraham & Melissa Ingraham talk about married life after leaving behind gay identities. They offer great insights into loving others with SSA well & dealing with temptation.
Ron tells his story of emerging from sexual and relational brokenness and how participating in Living Waters helped.
Suzie shares about how Jesus rescued her from the pain of sexual abuse, losing her son, her husband's secret sexual sin, poor church leadership, etc.
Garry Ingraham shares his testimony of leaving behind a gay lifestyle. Published by PFOX (
Melissa Ingraham shares her testimony of leaving behind a gay lifestyle. Published by PFOX (
Sherry tells how Jesus rescued her from pretending to be the "perfect Christian woman" and let her into real healing and repentance.